Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Join Our Live Talk Show and Chat Live with Us!

Welcome to RealWomen on Health! This blog reflects a growing community of women on the web who want to take an empowered approach towards their healthcare, reduce healthcare costs and live life like it's the only one they have.

Our original community began as one organized on LinkedIn. Today, we have over 500 members including our Facebook group, Wellsphere, as well as Linked In.

Real Women on Health! is all about supporting and encouraging women to be their own best health and wellness advocate. 85% of healthcare decisions are made by women, for themselves, their families and their loved ones. Not only do women consume health products for themselves, but they are also working women, community leaders and agents of change who advocate for women's health.

We are currently creating a RealWomen on Health! radio show which is an internet-based radio platform that hosts over 4,000 on-line radio shows including celebrity shows and news programs found on network TV. Our next show, with Dr. Marlene Reid, Women's Foot Health Care specialist and Podiatric Physician and Surgeon is on Saturday, March 28th at 9:30 am EST.

Please follow us here and tell us what topics most interest you in the area of health and wellness. We'll spark the conversation with top experts, book authors and researchers, including physicians and other healthcare professionals...and yes, real women!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What a Pain in The.....Heel!

Get the inside scoop and become your own best wellness advocate!

Grab your morning coffee or tea, and dial in to join us at the virtual roundtable with Kelley Connors, host of RealWomen on Health! radio show and Dr. Marlene Reid, Women's Foot Health Care specialist to talk about

what a pain in the....heel!
( find out what the pain is...and what it's not!)

When: Saturday, March 28 @ 9:30 am EST - 10 am EST

How to participate in the live chat and radio show on the internet:
1. Go to and register yourself prior to the show.
2. After you are registered, and prior to the start of the show, go to the show page found at http://www.blogtalkradio/realwomenonhealth.

3. To call in and listen: dial (646) 929-2625. However, this is a New York number. Local/long distance charges from your phone company will apply.**

4. If you live outside of NY, select the "Click to Listen" button on the show page, during any live show. This is free. When you want to talk to the guest or host, you select "Click to Talk". For this, you need a headset plugged in your computer. Otherwise, just text chat with the others online!

5. To ask a question via text chat, simply type in your question or comment!6. Should you decide not to use text chat, that's OK too. Just listen in.

How to obtain the show if you can't join live:

1. Go to and register yourself into blogtalkradio.

2. After the show has finished live, go to

3. You can download the show to iTunes to listen to it, and then to your mp3 player.

The beauty of Podcasting with BlogTalkRadio, is that we give you options. If you can't listen live via the computer, you can listen via the telephone.

If you can't listen live at all, then you can download it to your computer, your iTunes, or you can just stream it from the Show Page of the episode you want to listen to.

Do you have questions you want us to know in advance? Submit your questions to No computer available or internet just died?

Just dial-in for Audio: (646) 929-2625.

What is RealWomen on Health! About?
RealWomen on Health! is the only talk radio show on the internet that creates a network of support for women around such areas such as sexual health, pelvic health, the change before the change, menopause transitions, caregiving, working women and stress, women's heart disease, weight management, evidence-based complementary medicine, mid-life transition and navigating the healthcare system. Interesting, informative and entertaining guests of the show include women who have written research-based books, women's health leaders from around the world, women's health film producers, and female health entrepreneurs who are in service to help women a proactive and knowledgeable approach to health and wellness.So join us this Saturday, March 28th at 9:30 am EST to chat with us at our virtual roundtable.


Blogging Women

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