Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hot Hints from Women's Health Advocates and Educators

Speaking of increased sex drive, there are many factors that affect sexual desire during midlife and beyond. Since libido is greatly influenced by hormones, it’s no wonder that many of us complain of higher or lower than usual sex drive during perimenopause and menopause. Karen Giblin of Red Hot Mamas has some powerful advice for your sexual character. (Don’t know what that means exactly? Tune in to our April 11th internet-based radio show to find out.)

The key to a healthy sex life as we age is understanding what to expect and know that many sexual problems are very treatable. And as we age, stress increases. We experience decreased energy, weight gain and sleeping problems. Little things that never seemed to bother us all of a sudden take a toll on our mental health. In our modern world of constant anxiety, doesn’t it make you feel better to know that sex is a very powerful stress reliever?
So you’re not a spring chicken anymore? You can still sizzle at any age. It’s all about attitude … and knowledge! Karen Giblin knows all about menopause and sexuality—the why’s, the how’s and the can do’s. After all, she’s the founder and President of Red Hot Mamas!

To dig deeper into the issues that affect your life, join Susan Wysocki, CEO, NPWH together with Karen Giblin and Missy Lavender, and gain the knowledge yand support you need to be your own best health and wellness advocate , join us on April 11th at 9:30 am Eastern Standard Time

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